Morocco Guided Journey - Unlock the Magic of Morocco

Discover Who We Are

For most of us, the experience of discovering the country started since we our childhood. In fact, almost all the team members of MGJ were born in nomad families. Hence, the reason why our deep passion for traveling and planning trips has become so familiar as a skill especially that we had no choice but to face extreme conditions and learn secrets of the country that even internet can’t say. Being used to nomadic life (moving all the time) and being a fascinated adventurers and risk takers, we quickly realized that serving as tour guides was the perfect career for us but at the same time a lot of fun and a key source of job satisfaction.

Today, we have accumulated an experience of more than 15 years leading groups, exploring the country from the Atlantic coast to the Algerian border, from the Atlas massifs to the nomad oasis.


Our Story Begins in the Enchanting Land of Morocco

Discover Our Story

For most of us, the experience of discovering the country started since we our childhood. In fact, almost all the team members of MGJ were born in nomad families. Hence, the reason why our deep passion for traveling and planning trips has become so familiar as a skill especially that we had no choice but to face extreme conditions and learn secrets of the country that even internet can’t say.

Being used to nomadic life (moving all the time) and being a fascinated adventurers and risk takers, we quickly realized that serving as tour guides was the perfect career for us but at the same time a lot of fun and a key source of job satisfaction.

Today, we have accumulated an experience of more than 15 years leading groups, exploring the country from the Atlantic coast to the Algerian border, from the Atlas massifs to the nomad oasis.


Uncover the Reasons to Book with Us

Why book with Us?

MGJ has a devoted team of experienced guides armed with creative ideas and very promising services that will for sure give you good reasons to book with us. Indeed, over a long period of time we have recruited well-qualified team members that are picked out from each successful former experience for the best interest of our customers. Put more specifically

Value before business

We Offer the best

We aim for responsible tourism

At the heart of our business are the values of respect, dignity, and environmental consciousness. These principles drive everything we do as we strive to promote responsible tourism.

Innovation traveling 

Fuelled by our passion for planning trips and exploring Morocco, we are constantly on the lookout for new ways, tools, and experiences. Our mission is to provide you with innovative travel experiences that uncover the most captivating sites and regions, ensuring an unforgettable journey.

Custom Packages

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Sustainable tourism

Our unwavering commitment is to preserve the environment, protect wildlife, and uphold the rich traditions of the country. Through sustainable tourism practices, we aim to leave a positive impact on the destinations we visit.

Commitment and dedication

We take our responsibilities seriously, both as individuals and as a collective. With unwavering dedication, we honor our commitments and strive to exceed expectations, delivering exceptional service and experiences to our valued customers

Complete Guide

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Plan your private tour with us!

Your Gateway to Unforgettable Experiences in Morocco

Are you planning to embark on a remarkable journey in Morocco? Look no further! We are here to offer you the essential knowledge and services to meticulously organize the experience of your dreams.

Client Testimonial

Savoring your Taste Buds